Oct 26-27, 2023Detroit, Michigan
CIO, High Conflict Institute

Bill Eddy

Bill Eddy is a family mediator, lawyer and therapist, and the Chief Innovation Office
of the High Conflict Institute based in San Diego, California. He has provided
training to mediators, lawyers, judges, mental health professionals and others on
the subject of managing high-conflict personalities in over 35 states, 9 provinces in
Canada, and eight other countries.
Bill Eddy is a lawyer, therapist and mediator, and the co-founder and Chief
Innovation Officer of the High Conflict Institute based in San Diego, California. As a
lawyer, he was a Certified Family Law Specialist in California for 15 years. Prior to
that, he provided child and family counseling for 12 years in psychiatric hospitals
and outpatient clinics as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He has provided family
mediation services throughout his 40-year career, including 15 years as the Senior
Family Mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center in San Diego, California.
Mr. Eddy has written several books, including:
ď‚· Calming Upset People with EAR (2021)
ď‚· Mediating High Conflict Disputes (with Michael Lomax) (2021)
ď‚· SPLITTING: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 2nd Ed. (with Randi Kreger) (2021)
ď‚· BIFF for CoParent Communication (with Annette Burns & Kevin Chafin)
 Don’t Alienate the Kids, 2nd Ed. (2020)
ď‚· 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life: Identifying and Dealing with
Narcissists, Sociopaths and Other High-Conflict Personalities (2018)
ď‚· High Conflict People in Legal Disputes, 2nd Ed. (2016)
 So, What’s Your Proposal? Shifting High-Conflict People from Blaming to
Problem-Solving in 30 Seconds! (2014)
In 2009, he developed the New Ways for Families short-term counseling program in
use in several family court jurisdictions in the U. S. and Canada. In 2013, he
developed the New Ways for Mediation method for high-conflict families.
He is an adjunct instructor teaching the Psychology of Conflict Communication at
the Pepperdine University School of Law near Los Angeles and a visiting instructor
at two law schools in Melbourne and New Castle, Australia. He has a continuing
education course for Mental Health professionals titled “It’s All Your Fault!”: Working
with High Conflict Personalities. He is co-host of a podcast called It’s All Your Fault!
High Conflict People, and he writes a blog about high conflict personalities for
Psychology Today, which has 5M+ views. He has presented on managing high-
conflict personalities to lawyers, counselors, judges, mediators, collaborative
professionals, human resource professionals, healthcare administrators, college
administrators, law enforcement and others in over 35 states, several provinces in

Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, France, Greece, Israel, Austria and
Sweden. He writes a blog for PsychologyToday.com with over 5 million views. His
website is: www.HighConflictInstitute.com.